Thursday, April 25, 2024

Raku Programming: Save Array Contents To Text File 2024

 A Simple Raku Program That Saves The Contents of An Array To A .txt Text File On The Windows Desktop.

Raku Programming Tutorial For Beginners. If You Want To Learn Raku Then Check Out My Youtube Channel Here: Dr Raku.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Raku Programming Code Examples: Reading From A Text File 2024

 Dr Raku Simple Code Example How To Open And Read From A .txt Text File On The Windows Desktop.

Raku Programming Code Example: Create A Txt File 2024

 Creating a simple.TXT file in Raku. In This Code Example We change the path to the windows desktop and create a text file there.

We also use some interpolation in this code example = $desktop-path embedded into the user output messages. For more about Raku Programming check out my channel!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Raku Programming: Array Search Grep Code Example 2024

 Raku Programming Code Example To Search An Array Using The Grep Function. 

Here you can see how we use grep and the special variable $_ +  eq to search the array and match any name we have entered into the user input prompt. Check out More Array Examples here.

Raku Programming : How To Join 2 Arrays: Code Example

 Raku Programming Code Examples. Join two arrays together. Easy Array concatenation example for beginners.

If you want to Learn the Raku Programming language you'll find plenty of video tutorials here.

Raku Programming: Sort Array: Easy Method 2024

 Easy way to sort an array in thr Raku programming language. Check out this short cut to make things quicker.

For more info on array or the Raku programming language check out my You Tube channel, Dr Raku Programming Channel.

Raku Programming: Sort Array

 Learn Raku Programming Sort Array. Sorting an Array in Raku is easy Using the sort method. Here is one simple example of how to sort an array of letters into alphabetical order.

If You want to Learn More about Raku programming check out my YT channel here. Dr Raku array sort

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Raku Tutorial: Create Txt File: Read Txt File 2024

 Raku Programming Tutorial Code Example. Create TXT file and Read File Using slurp. Beginner Friendly Code example 2024.

We use Filename and open plus the :w flag to create the text file. The to read from the txt file we use Raku's slurp method. For more programming tutorials check out my YouTube Channel Here: Create & readt txt files in Raku

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Raku Array: Push Elements Tutorial 2024

 In This Raku Programming Tutorial, We Push Elements Onto An Array. We Use The Raku Way and Also The Old Perl Way Of Doing Things.

Two simple array manipulation examples. If you want to learn more about the Raku programming language then visit my YouTube Channel here: Dr Raku Programming Array

Raku Programming - Create An Array 2024

 Welcome To This Raku Programming Language Tutorial Today We are going to create a simple array in Raku. So here is the code:

I'm Going to be using sub which is a subroutine in Raku. The text editor I'm using is called Kate. It was originally a Linux program and is now available for Windows too.

This shows the Raku array and also the output of the array. If You Want To Learn More Raku Please check out my Raku programming Tutorials on Youtube. Dr Raku

Learn Raku Programming - For Next Loop - Code Example 2024

 Raku Programming Code Examples. For Next Loop. Easy Raku Code Example 2024. Raku Code Example 2024.